Thursday, August 30, 2007

I can't believe i'm doing this//How To Be Good: College Style

Okay. So from the title of this blog you probably know that i'm not very excited about this blogging thing. I consider myself to be very internet savvy and technical. I have an active facebook account, I write emails daily, but i've always laughed at those people who keep blogs. The idea of posting my thoughts on the internet doesn't appeal to me. However, i'm going to give this a try.

How To Be Good. This phrase has been everywhere on campus in lieu of our summer reading book. Nick Hornby's, How To Be Good wasn't exactly my cup of tea, but it did get me thinking. Here at SMU, or any college campus you have so many negative factors looking you straight in the face daily. Learning how to be good in college almost seems like a death sentence. If you want, you could party every night, sleep through your early morning classes, drink all day long etc. Every day that i've been at SMU thus far, i've been faced with tough decisions that could ultimately affect my goodness. Do I go out on a Monday night and socialize, or do I stay in and get ahead in my school work? I'm also scared to be the one person that doesn't go out when everyone else around me is. It's the first semester of my freshman year, the last thing I want is to be different from everyone else...right? So far, i've gone out a good amount to meet new people and have fun, and i've managed to stay on top of my school work. But as the semester goes on, and the work load only gets heavier, the daily choices I make will become harder. I've learned that college is a balancing act, and I believe that if your life is balanced and you are happy, then your considered to be "good". Overall, How To Be Good just frustrated me. I'm 18 years old and I have no idea how I want my life to be. Well, I have some idea, but it seems to be changing every day. Is it too much to ask to just get through my freshman year, and not have my whole life planned out yet?

This is my first blog so please leave comments.


faithful said...

First off, remember that you're not the only one who feels this way. You're in the good company of virtually the entire freshman class. Even if everyone around you looks like they know what they’re doing, I think it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t. Virtually everyone puts on some kind of a superficial front the first few weeks of school, so hang in there. I think right now we're all struggling to figure out what we're supposed to be doing vs what we're not, how much we're supposed to study vs how much we're supposed to party. There's absolutely nothing wrong with going out and having a good time, we just have to remember the real reason why we're here: to learn. To learn not only about our majors, but to learn how to be good people too. I keep reminding myself that millions of people have done the whole "college" thing before me and that they all made it through. So will we. It's not supposed to be easy, but I'm pretty sure it gets easier. Good luck!

Ramona said...

hey i think that you are really funny and cool abd we should hang out haha plus i agree with what you said and im sitting right next to you.