Sunday, October 21, 2007

Will it all be worth it?

Okay, like many of you reading this, you’re probably just as freaked out about rushing in the spring. Today was Panhellenic Preview. For the first time we were able to visit four of the eight houses, and meet the girls one on one. This was one of many activities we’ve had this fall to “ease us” into the recruitment process and make us feel less scared. Personally, with each event, I become more scared! They want us to feel excited (don’t get me wrong I am excited) but I’m beyond terrified! Each time I meet a sorority girl, I’m immediately worried about how I look, if my hair is okay, and what I’m going to say. I obviously want to make a good impression, but I also want to be myself. They tell us to just have fun, and I am, but it’s so hard to have fun when you could think you’re friends with a girl from a specific chapter, that could ultimately cut you on bid day.

As I was walking around to the houses today I was beyond nervous! I kept my cool while talking to the different sorority girls, but I was just so worried. Do they like me? Am I pretty enough for them? Are they judging me? In a way it’s nice that we get to rush second semester so that we can get our grades up, and feel at home at SMU, but the pressure to be on our best behavior is very overwhelming. Especially with websites like “dirtydtown” featuring freshman girls not on their best behavior.

After all this I can’t help but wonder if it’ll be worth it. I can’t even tell you how much money I’ve donated to the different chapters philanthropy events, or how I’ve gone out of my way to impress the girls. I just hope that on bid day, I get into a house I want, and that I really do develop a special “sisterhood” bond with my future chapter.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Going to Church, on my own

Tonight I went to church for the first times since I can’t even remember. However, this time was different. I wasn’t dragged with my parents, I went on my own. I’d been having a really stressful week, and my roommates asked if I wanted to join them at church. I reluctantly said yes as I hadn’t even started my homework yet. But, when I got there I felt really at peace, and knew that it was where I was supposed to be. School gets so crazy sometimes that its hard to set out a time during the week to just relax. While church may not be relaxing to some people, I found it to be just that tonight.

I was really surprised at how many students were there on their own. And it wasn’t just that their bodies were there, their minds too. They were actively listening, and singing along. It’s one thing to just go to church, but to actively go, and participate brings new meaning. When I was growing up church was always something I was forced to go to with my family, and I dragged my feet each step of the way. It was really nice to see other students like me at church on their own free will. It’s comforting to know that however stressful the week may be, there’s always 5:00 mass on Sundays to look forward to.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I love SMU

Just this past weekend I visited one of my best friends from home at the University of Arizona, in Tucson. It was really nice to get away and have a change of scenery, but I didn't realize how much I would miss SMU. I knew I was attending a great school academically, but I didn't realize how good I really do have it. From the minute I stepped off the plane I already missed Dallas. I guess when you're living in a big city, you take advantage of it and don't realize how good you have it, until you're in the middle of nowhere. The town had only one main street of restaurants and shops. Now coming from Dallas, this was strange. Not only is there more to do in Dallas but it is so much cleaner! The streets of Tucson and the campus were filthy! Trash was everywhere, and the dorms were very unkept too. I just didn't feel safe and clean the way that SMU makes me feel. I used to question why we were paying so much to attend SMU, but now I know why. SMU is extremely clean, they offer "giddy-up" and now SMURides, where as Tucson, you're on your own. I guess you pay more for added safety and comfort- which I cannot complain about.

Now, I can't completely rant on Arizona. There is one thing they've done right, the dining on campus. They have multiple dining halls, with real restaurants that feed into your meal plan, and that are open late...but RFoC is a whole other issue that would be it's own blog.