Sunday, January 27, 2008

Not So Boring Games

When I was a little kid, I loved playing board games. My favorites were Clue, Life, and Guess Who. Before winter break, I couldn’t tell you the last time I played one of those games. However, some new favorites have been introduced to me, and I haven’t been able to stop playing.

Over winter break, I was addicted to Catch Phrase. For those of you not familiar with it, it’s a fast paced hot potato like charades game- without the acting. My friends and I would play it all the time, and it got pretty competitive. People would laugh at me when I would offer up the idea of playing a game, but once we started playing, we wouldn’t be able to stop. I laugh at myself when I think of how much time I spent playing Catch Phrase over break, but it was a nice alternative when we were bored, or didn’t feel like going out. There are so many new games out there that are aimed toward teen audiences, that you don’t feel weird or too old when playing them.

Not only do we play catch phrase, but also Apples to Apples, and SkipBo. I highly recommend any of those three games when you’re feeling bored, or want to have some good ole’ fashioned fun.

I warn you, Catch Phrase and SkipBo are highly competitive; so try not to get frustrated if you lose!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Here I blog again

A new semester...a new blog.

My first post of last semester was written with a pessimistic mindset about the whole blogging thing. Now having blogged for an entire semester, I realize how fun it actually is. I was able to speak my mind, and got some pretty good comments from my classmates. Now, looking back on it, it's funny that I was actually dreading keeping a blog.

It'll also be nice to have a theme this semester - being happy. I hope I can find a way to incorporate it into all of my posts. I'm also curious to see if those new at blogging will enjoy it. I can assure them, it is way better than doing mundane papers every week.

This post is a bit lame, but I promise the proceeding post's will be much more interesting.