Sunday, September 16, 2007


YouTube. We all use it. I’ll even admit to using it. I constantly go on to watch funny video clips that my friends discuss, most of them hilarious, some just stupid. Just this past weekend my roommate shared with me some of her favorite video clips, and I was genuinely disturbed. I think Youtube is a great site to go to when you want a good laugh, but if you really think about it, why on earth are people broadcasting themselves on the internet doing the most absurdly strange things?! There are two people on YouTube that I’ve found who have “Video Diaries”. Basically it is them recording themselves talking about their lives. The first guy my friend showed me a few months ago. It was hilarious at first, and I honestly could not stop laughing. But while I was laughing, I actually felt sort of bad. While it gives me a good laugh, I worry about these people. Why would they videotape their lives and post them for everyone to see? I wonder if they realize that people just watch their video clips for pure amusement? I mean if they have 100+ entries all with mean comments, you'd think they'd read them and stop broadcasting themselves. One comment on his most recent video should make anyone stop posting videos. "first off, you're ugly as hell, second, get a pair of balls already, she is jsut a girl. third, who fucking cares about ther JACKET! look at you tie!" I mean, come on! Are people that bored and desperate that when people are blatantly mocking them, they STILL broadcast?!

We all know that Britney Spears has been a big topic of discussion lately, and in response to her flop at the MTV VMA’s, Chris Crocker- a YouTube video diary addict posted a seriously disturbing video . While he says that he is serious, and really is upset, I really question what he is doing on YouTube.

I would never be caught dead doing that and it worries me that some peoples lives revolve around YouTube and how many hits they get.


SilverLight said...

YouTube is just another platform for people to gain attention. That is not all that it is used for but it still is a medium for people to do that on. There are some people who love attention and want to express how they feel. Sometimes they do things that we feel are different perhaps strange. They do sometimes get feedback that is negative based upon what they have posted and sometimes they just say mean things. We just have to make good choices and know that what our choice would be in someone elses position is sometimes not appropriate at all because we are not them.
Good entry Just Smile

Anonymous said...

The English teacher is worried about the effects of electronic media on our common culture. I'm even thinking of some topic related to this for you to write the last paper on this semester. Look at what this post describes and think about what issues of literacy and civility YouTube raises. There is a lot to analyze here, including the question of why these people would want to show themselves off in this way.