Saturday, February 2, 2008

Rehab: The New Trend

If you’re anything like me, you’re obsessed with Hollywood gossip. I watch Entertainment Tonight almost every day, buy the latest tabloids, and even have a favorite gossip website I go to multiple times a day ( I love reading everything from the newest trend in shoes, to whose breaking up and hooking up.

However, it seems that for the past year, everything I read has some tidbit or article about another celebrity entering rehab. It all started with Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Mary-Kate Olsen etc. And now in the past week Amy Winehouse, Eva Mendes and thankfully Britney Spears.

In my opinion celebrities are supposed to be role models, but clearly they don’t get this. I’m not saying that entering rehab is entirely their faults. Take Britney for example. While I believe that she has made some poor decisions, I don’t really blame the girl for going insane. She has photographers and reporters following her 24/7, with little room to breathe. This is a girl who has grown up in the spotlight, and has had her entire life under scrutiny. Where I do think she is at fault is by not taking care of herself. For a while I was upset at how the media was treating her, but now I’m just waiting for her to realize what a mess she is. Hopefully, being taken to the hospital last week via a motorcade wakes her up.

I also feel that rehab isn’t as big a deal as it used to be. Countless celebs enter it for a month or so to “collect their thoughts, and find peace”. Then they come out as if nothing was ever wrong with them. I think that rehab needs to be taken seriously. Younger people are probably watching their favorite celebs and thinking, “oh well, I can experiment with drugs, and if I get addicted there’s always rehab!” Also, there is now a show called "Celebrity Rehab". The media is not only partly at fault for making celebrities enter rehab, but they are not making money off of it.

Celebrities need to be cautious of their actions, and realize that everything they do is going to get to the public. I can’t help but think they’re abusing their fame. They are given so much, and do such great things, why should they turn to drugs/alcohol?


Anonymous said...

Celebrities have always had substance and relationship issues--Liza Minelli, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, and the men too like Marlon Brando. But today's celebrities seem especially unhinged, while the public thrives on hearing about the disasters that their lives have become. Why are so many people, as you say, "obsessed with Hollywood gossip"? Now--this question would provide a connection between the real world and the world of college, if you would allow yourselves to recall that John Schumaker talks about this topic. Who recalls what he says about celebrity worship and what do you think of his interpretation? It's in your chapter on narcissism.

fitzzy said...

one thing i can definately say about your blog posts is that you do have interesting and captivating topics. especially the JKF blog as i read that post, it got me thinking of who really commited the offense and what was the purpose for doing so. keep up the good work